Getting started on your inner-work: Heal the Family System

Updated: Oct 30, 2023

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Is the core fear behind every blind-spot to become like our parent(s) or repeat their pattern? How far does the apple fall from the tree?

Perhaps we secretly worry that we will pass these family patterns onto our offspring.

If the number one cause of conflict or conflicted beliefs is due to experiencing resistance, then how can we resolve the resistance from our fear that becomes showcased in our day-to-day lives?

Regretfully, one of the biggest steps most of us miss is, “repatterining”, which causes us to keep circling around the problem.

We are born with many emotional and psychological triggers - as if they’re pre-installed - or in other words, inherited in our DNA. Sorry folks, no fair! This is why we grow up to find ourselves with similar epigenetic tendencies as our parents or grandparents— whether it’s positive or negative.

These inherent tendencies are often revealed within primary relationships and even to the extent of repeating the same mistakes and dysfunctional family patterns, including co-dependencies.

The majority of co-dependent patterns are poor, inherent coping mechanisms i.e., alcoholism, addiction, or relationship entanglemens that lead to abuse, anxiety, worry, depression, dissociation, denial, or other cognitive distortions and mental or emotional health imbalances that we're also prone to because they have been perpetuated from past generations.

Science can substantiate that epigenetics can have a strong pull on us with a perceived power over us because it's at the DNA level, encoded in our subconscious and psychological programming. Meanwhile, we may consciously want something else. This purpose alone is why we develop conflicted beliefs…

Trauma's are passed from one family line down to the next through RNA strands and will recycle. If these ancestral links are not dealt with directly, they can affect us and our offspring for the rest of our lives - until we become proactive and do something about it. Moreover, if there was a perceived void or unmet need in your parents, (marital, money, emotional, etc.), no doubt this same perceived lack was transferred down to you, whether genetically, through parental modeling and conditioning, or whether it was absorbed from them.


Our parents and their parents' internal experiences are the primary influence coloring and shaping many of our beliefs. To provide an example; we may repeat similar stresses or behaviors, whether it’s financial, marital, academic, physical, mental and so forth.

To illustrate, in reference to the diathesis model, the nature-versus-nurture argues that both of these factors may be equally responsible for our makeup and development.

Yet, nurture encompasses social and environmental conditioning, which was primarily shaped by our parents, if we were raised in the traditional family. For instance, growing up in poverty may cause repetitive cycles of poverty and scarcity.

Consequently, our genetic propensities are both inherited and modeled in youth-increasing epigenetic propensities. Our inherited modes of thinking will reinforce our beliefs. The repetitive thoughts are a consequence of the rigid beliefs that we’ve inherited that we often want to replace, such as repeating our parents behaviors.

Therefore, it takes diligence to change the narrative and re-pattern the code by frequently repeating new thought patterns if we are to reinforce new beliefs and improve our psychological programming... i.e., asking what we would do differently to produce an ideal outcome, staying solution-focused or adopt a new belief using positive affirmatives or auto suggestion, "I am wealthy and prosperous" versus impoverished, or "I am healing and overcoming", instead of “I am sick or worry about life-long illnesses.”

We must put powerful thoughts and feelings into these new beliefs and engage the neural pathways to effectively re-pattern the encoded programming. Is perhaps, our deepest fear also our biggest blind-spot that is sabotaging our best efforts? For example, do you often witness others who have what you have potentially worked harder for? Give it some thought…

Traumas are common to everyone, although to varying degrees of severity. Inherited beliefs, adverse childhood experiences (ACE), and other unresolved emotions present themselves in our life as fears, negative thoughts, anxieties, limiting beliefs, self-sabotage, and unwanted behaviors.

Subsequently, our beliefs and inherent programming are either working for us or against us.

Perceptual Re-framing

It is imperative to our individual advancement to be introspective about our fears because often our greatest fear is to become like our parents in the same way, so we can mitigate the propensity to repeat these patterns with key questions and perceptual re-framing techniques.

  1. Instead of resisting the fear, ask what meaning you have assigned to becoming like your parent(s). A failure? Controlling?

  2. What meaning have you assigned to the fear?

  3. Then neutralize the fear and resentment by reframing what you resist about it and what you can gain from the fear? What are you meant to learn? Love and acceptance perhaps?

  4. How can you gain compassion for a parent and perceive him/her as drowning, metaphorically speaking, and what would you want for this parent that you also want for yourself? To thrive?

  5. A quote by Gandhi, "how do you want to be the change you wish to see", course-correcting?

Our Powerhouse

So, if beliefs are formed by the internal thoughts and emotions through our perceptual reality then how do you suppose we form new beliefs?

Consciously you may want to eliminate all these negative beliefs and personal limitations, but the conscious mind is at the mercy of the hardwired beliefs programmed within the subconscious mind which makes up the majority of our life experiences and behaviors. The “auto-pilot” subconscious gives directions, and the conscious follows orders, until we retrain it—consciously!

Our beliefs subconsciously control our behavior and can either empower or dis-empower us through our thoughts, choices, and actions. Therefore, subconscious beliefs unconsciously dictate our reality and run our psychological programming. Beliefs are formed when we have a thought accompanied by a feeling that becomes rooted in the subconscious mind, which creates a subjective, perceptual reality for each of us.

So, what might this encourage us to do? Reprogram negative subconscious beliefs and create conscious thinking to recode our beliefs, perhaps? Your conscious mind is the active part of you that is alert, awake, assesses, calculates, and judges.



Our subconscious mind is where memories, emotions and beliefs are stored, which accounts for more than 90% of our greatest mind power. Emotion may be the greatest powerhouse of the mind. When we combine both thought and feeling, we utilize our heart-mind synchronicity, overcoming struggle, conflicted beliefs, resistance, and step into the magical flow state.

So, wouldn’t we want to make the most of this powerful elixir by stripping ourselves of negative beliefs and restructuring our mind with beliefs that work for us - rather than against us? Unpacking our subconscious mind is where the majority of our innate DNA potential resides - our etheric codes. Face your fears and access dormant mind potential!

Are we prolonging our inner work?

Doing our inner work doesn't have to be so scary, although most of us escape our fears and anxieties with unhealthy coping behaviors to feel "better", then develop poor coping identities to anesthetize the pain secretly worrying that we will pass these behaviors onto our offspring or never face the skeletons in our closet. The coping behaviors are fleeting and the fears come back to rear their face again and again until we disrupt the pattern and heal the root trauma.

Another painful cycle continues. Generational demons are found in every family. As it turns out, it was the primary cause hidden beneath every chief problem of our clients for decades. This is the very reason we designed a PANACEA system, to overcome the fear of recoding our encoded psychology because it can appear scary at first and we'll only continue to procrastinate doing our inner work instead of heal the programming, and all the problems that come with it, once and for all.

The PANACEA program offers step-by-step intuitive guidance, meditation, and therapeutic exercises to upgrade psychology and improve neurochemistry by mitigating the hard "work" involved in what is often associated with psychotherapy.

Therefore, we do not need to prolong doing our inner work because we will feel so much better about ourselves once we engage in this healing process and model healthy behaviors toward ourselves and our loved ones, lending them a better fighting chance for their future.

Recoding new beliefs

We all have negative default patterns that we want to eradicate or improve in some way. For instance, many of us want to learn from our parents' mistakes in hopes to never repeat them - perhaps even over-correcting a little. We may even think we already have that handled by rebelling against their natures and swinging the pendulum in the other direction.

Yet, when we attempt to run away from our past, including our heritage, it will always come back to bite us. Because, essentially, our attempt is to run away from ourselves, which we know is impossible. When we resist becoming like our parents, we actually meet more opposition and invite resistance into our lives, which perpetuates the sabotage cycle. Moreover, it’s an - ineffective coping strategy. Like “Newton’s Cradle”, repeating the effect when the swinging sphere strikes.

Fortunately, genetic recoding is still part of the solution, which would mean that it’s not necessary to repeat your parents' mistakes in order to learn your own lessons. Making peace and accepting who they are promises peace - AND we are no longer bound to repeat their mistakes or continue to oppose them. The panacea system ensures that we are covering every step to fully recode the programming and not making the mistake to miss any steps and therefore repeating the painful lesson, or hoping it will naturally resolve on it's own. It doesn't. Just as software won't rewrite itself, the internal and inherent programming needs to be rewritten or reprogrammed if we wish for a better outcome.

By virtue of the “resistance-persistence law”, what we consciously or unconsciously resist is more likely to occur and what we choose to accept, we don’t give power and attention to. Because as we choose to accept something, we can therefore neutralize the emotional charge or triggers and love what we can accept, moreover, “love” heals all things. Then, we will be liberated from this pendulum tendency and can recode the behavior successfully as well as no longer pass down the generational patterns to future generations, liberating the entire family from the same burdens.

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Author bio: Liberated Living LLP Founders, Corinne and Camille Sullivan

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