Heal Emotional Wounds To Master Abundance

Updated: Jan 30, 2023

We all know that happiness is not outside of us and is an inside job, however if we are seeking happiness to fulfill our lives then wouldn’t that imply that there is a perceived lack and we’re trying to fill the void?

If we’re all aware of the universal concept of developing an abundant mindset vs. scarcity mindset then we need to go deeper than thinking positive alone. Sure, affirmations have their place, but that is not the direction we are going here.

Would you plant flowers before pulling weeds? Of course not. We must first remove what is preventing new growth before germinating new successful seeds.

We can’t turn a blind eye to old conditioned programs and hope that thinking positive will instantly create a new success and abundant mindset, we must first heal the inner wounds that activate triggers and have prevented a faith-based Mind if we are to improve our neurochemistry and heal DNA. There are no more triggers or emotional reactions once we heal them. Therefore, we must rework the core belief, which requires removing former subconscious programs first, before creating results and experiencing more 💕

Click to learn a 7-step complete strategy to experience a true abundant mindset in this free webcast 👉🏻http://page.co/MbjwR