Resolve Trauma by ReCoding Epigentics

Updated: Jun 1, 2023

Recoding our epigenetic patterns is a game changer, particularly for those who have suffered any kind of trauma. It accelerates results far more rapidly because it’s the best way to remove blind spots to core programming that cause continual setbacks & barriers in life.

Therapy isn’t only about overcoming trauma, it’s also a solution-focused approach for those who value investing in a better mindset and upgrading their life, rather than circling around the problem for years only to escalate the repercussions.

We all know that engaging in our "deeper inner work” is not easy, particularly while also managing a work life balance, however unresolved trauma can lead to broken families & relationships, as well as addictions, anxiety, shame, unhealthy boundaries, depression or tragically – even suicide, therefore passing on the same generational patterns to our offspring.

As twins, we experienced birth trauma that resulted in chronic health conditions. This guided us to natural approaches to get to the source of the issue.

Consequently, this led us on the career path in natural medicine as holistic practitioners & therapists, because it's essential to not only practice our own medicine, but also master it.

So, we cultivated a series of different modalities & discovered the solution and preeminence in holistic sciences. What is most appealing about holistic medicine is that it centers on the whole scope of the individual, (mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual), to achieve complete wholeness—leaving nothing out and pinpointing the root cause... inspiring us to adopt an entirely holistic lifestyle.

So, we started with our inherent patterns to get to the root of the matter quicker, and for the long-term. When we first address our psychology, we gain insight into the entirety of the individual because the body is not separate from our mind.

After 20+ years of working with clients, we discovered the common thread and found that epigenetic inheritance (E.I.) was at the heart of everyone’s challenges—ours included.

Even for those who don’t know their biological parents, inherent programming is the common denominator underpinning each of our chief challenges, which is necessary to confront in order to both prevent and overcome our life obstacles.

Classic example: Common “Parent child pattern”, i.e., repeating our parents or grandparents relationship patterns, which might be cycles of abandonment, and seeing such patterns evidenced in our lives & so forth.

When we reframe our beliefs and rewire our neural circuitry, we activate the correct gene expression and effectively remove the distortions of our inherent subconscious programming or “epi-genomes”. In other words, we can re-code our inherent programming with the correct steps.

We all have negative patterns that we wish to improve. Sure, some want to make certain to never repeat their parents' mistakes, perhaps even over-correcting. Yet, when we attempt to run away from our past and resist becoming like our parents or fear that we’ll fail to ever live up-to their expectations, we actually meet more resistance and invite opposition into our lives, which we know produces similar outcomes.

However, when we correctly recode the programming, we can re-pattern our genetic expression and override core inherent programming, (i.e., fear/trauma).

So we designed our programs to re-code inherent programming with ease and at your own time and convenience.

After designing these therapeutic programs for our clients and witnessing their results (as well as our own), we decided to make them available on a larger scale and compressed them into a shortcut system using our 7 Step PANACEA Model and built a “Done for you Turnkey Practice with Credentials”, for healing professionals and those who wish to re-code genetic patterns.

We don’t have to carry the excruciating pain of past generational trauma very far. It can be channeled into fuel to power our individual advancement. It’s possible to find freedom and triumph after trauma. Because we did.

It can eliminate long-held scars and pain. And we’ll feel more complete, at peace, knowing our innate worth, and capacity to achieve radiant happiness to fall absolutely in love with life.

We just confronted our epigenetics with this recoding system and completely altered a different way of life, establishing a newfound, healthy relationship with ourselves and others.

Address your trauma for your spouse, your kids, and particularly for yourself to liberate ongoing generations of these burdens.

There is powerful freedom on the other side of trauma if you choose to do the transformative work. I can’t think of a more powerful mission or contribution that we can make to society.

💜 The twins