Spirituality Vs. Religion

Updated: Jun 1, 2023

For those of you who may be confused or may attach religion with spirituality, feel fear of change, or perhaps seeking to live more deeply from your innate, spiritual nature, I hope you can find peace, direction and gain the insight you seek from this article. I trust that this article was for you!

First and foremost, the distinct difference between religion and spirituality is that the religious philosophy subscribes to the Newtonian concept. That is, organized religion teaches separation rather than unity; Separation that their teachings and doctrine is different or the only truth, apart from other religious indoctrination, truths or dogmas such as “programming”and conditioning, rather than universal truth.

The idea that a God/Source/Universe is outside of us, rather than one within us stems from egoic separation, not Oneness. The idea and concept that we must pray to a Source outside of us, which only keeps us a victim of circumstances and will constantly take the power out of our hands believing that there is a control or force other than our consciousness that is creating all of experiences. This will perpetually keep us at the mercy of life rather than understanding the power of our own mind.

Definition of doctrine

1a) a principle or position or the body of principles in a branch of knowledge or system of belief : DOGMA

Catholic doctrine

b) a statement of fundamental government policy especially in international relations

The original doctrines were those of the Catholic Church.

The concept of Spirituality is one of science, quantum physics and unity consciousness, which is that, we are all one with the same universal principle, mind and exist within the collective consciousness, in the context of a universal/cosmic entanglement.

The understanding that spirituality is in essence, our thought consciousness guiding the soul experience and operates from the construct of our thought frequency vibration, which unifies to our Divine intelligence, creating the conditions and experiences in which we live.

Metaphorically, we are wired with a biological antenna that signals different frequencies within the Universal energy field from our thought consciousness. We have our own internal, spiritual technology and power as light beings, with the capability to communicate from our light language and access our untapped 90% mind potential and etheric codes to activate to our core and true essence. This is where Spiritually and Science overlap beautifully.

The common thread of all truth found within any religion is fundamental Universal truths. We can access all of our answers, which are internally manufactured, as our abundant and unlimited source. There are no answers or “God’s” outside of us. We can ask and receive. We can meditate and access Divine intuition because we are the channel of universal energy consciousness. “As within so without”.

If perchance, you feel you are struggling and only surviving rather than thriving, remember that you are always free to choose your thought consciousness and a powerful co-creator of this force within the energy field and vibration you project into your reality. Just as you can refill your own cup, you can refill and refuel your mind to improve your circumstances.

We are all One. One race, and that is the human race. All differences are only individual expressions of this Universal energy that others may define as Source or Higher Universal Power, sometimes referred to as God consciousness.

We can operate from higher levels of awareness, thereby living within our higher dimensions, also known as our Higher Self. This state is from the state of conscious awareness and awakening, continually prompting our inner alignment work to live by our Divine reality and from the highest ideals. From love, not fear. Soul, not ego.

Keeping our pineal portal open to the infinite by purifying our vessels and decalcifying with toxic metal detox, including fluoride with ensure our portals stay awake and open to our light codes and ethers.

Knowing there is only Universal truths and wisdom existential to all of humanity and life form. And, as we learn to balance and align to universal laws and energy, we will completely understand how to evolve ourselves spiritually with Divine intelligence, living in perfect harmony with these immutable (never changing) laws and principles that govern and shape our lives.

Living from the heart and soul level IS living from our Divine intelligence and an exact science of the “heart mind intelligence” or coherence. “God/Universal Source” is LOVE. The highest form of unconditional love. So, as we live more congruent to our unconditional nature’s of love and operating from heart level living, we are demonstrating from our highest expression of our Divine essence, which is, “God” consciousness.

Love is our highest creative intelligence and power therefore, God/Universe is the highest creative power we can access within at any given moment. If you must worship anything, worship the highest expression of Universal Love.

Living from love may take a lifetime of practice for many, if not all, of us and we each deserve more room to improve and permission to both evolve and master our levels of consciousness to attain self love—unconditionally, throughout our lives as well as fiercely accepting ourselves so we don’t unwittingly assign that responsibility on others or give others that power over us. This will only cause us to depend on others to fill our void to love us when we know that’s an inside job.

Only once we gain greater self love and acceptance, can we also love others within the same magnitude as well, as our conditions only reflect our internal projections and we can’t give what we don’t first have or embody within. This is why unconditional self love is the best gift we can ever give to ourselves and the world at large, allowing us to contribute more to ourselves and moreover, contributing more to others only as our best. “As within so without”. 💕

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