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Holistic Psychology Practitioner with Turnkey Practice

  • 365 días
  • 12 pasos
Obtén un certificado al completar el programa.
Todos los que completen todos los pasos del programa obtendrán una insignia.


Overview: The Complete Holistic Psychology Practitioner eCourse + Business-in-a-box will enable you as a professional to go deeper with your clients utilizing proven, therapeutic workbook exercises to guide them in overcoming sabotaging behaviors, childhood trauma and generational patterns by reframing the subconscious mind on a genetic level, getting to the source of the issue and belief system! Who it's for: This fully-accredited diploma course is beneficial for healing professionals, as well as for those who want to gain credibility and advance their healing strategies by genetically recoding inherent patterns and subconscious programming, diving deeper to fulfill their purpose and unlock their potential. This inner work will enable course participants to upgrade their mental and emotional psychology, recode sabotage patterns, fears, and limiting beliefs to instill new positive beliefs and habits, creating positive momentum to eliminate unhealthy habits and poor coping mechanisms that lead to repetitive patterns and addictive cycles, which is the addiction to the problem. Developing these tools will maximize the skills and abilities of each course participant further empowering healthy family dynamics and liberating the entire generational system helping to increase a clientele base by powerfully aiding the entire family, one or more individuals at a time. Course duration time: Approximately 6-12 weeks / 1105 total hours + Earned credit hours for CEU's/CPDs

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5 planes disponibles, Desde $187.50/month


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