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Introduction Courses

Introduction to Genetic Recoding

Introduction Courses

Introduction to Genetic Recoding
The purpose of Genetic Recoding is to empower professionals, individuals, couples, and families to leverage advanced healing tools that will enable them to successfully live their ideal reality, liberating families and future generations! Genetic Recoding® is a comprehensive therapeutic process that naturally re-codes negatively inherited subconscious beliefs and activates gene potential by starting at the root of core issues and genetically transferred dispositions. It is an advanced holistic therapy and stand-alone process that can additionally be used as an adjunct therapy with other healing modalities and therapy programs.

Introduction Course with the 7-Step PANACEA Workbook:
This unique Introduction to Genetic Recoding with the 7-Step PANACEA Workbook is beneficial for healing professionals, as well as for those interested in overcoming inherent patterns and subconscious programming on a core genetic level, advancing your healing, and diving deeper to fulfill your purpose and unlock your potential. This 7-step P.A.N.A.C.E.A. Model will shortcut the genetic recoding process enabling you to upgrade your mental and emotional psychology, recode self-sabotage, fears, and limiting beliefs to instill new positive beliefs and habits to create positive momentum for individuals and professionals alike, empowering family dynamics, and liberating the entire generational system.

The 7-Step PANACEA workbook contains Genetic Recoding strategies and therapeutic course exercises that will introduce you to Genetic Recoding and includes step-by-step guidance of the healing process for you, and for your clients and healing practice. It's a done-for-you workbook with a solution-focused system as a fast-track to implementing Genetic Recoding and fully equipping professionals to jump-start or advance a consulting career right away! This Introduction to Genetic Recoding with the 7-Step PANACEA Workbook is the prerequisite to the Practitioner's Genetic Recoding Courses and is a shortcut to Genetic Recoding, but does not include an accredited diploma and is not the complete practitioner course.

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