Holistic & Integrative Psychology
Healing Philosophy
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Mind, Body, & Spirit Healing (Holistic)
Integrative psychology incorporates traditional psychology with a holistic philosophy, which recognizes the connections among mental, spiritual and physical health. The Association for Integrative Psychology describes this discipline as a study and practice that seeks to unite traditional medicine, psychology, and other alternative and complementary approaches. Integrative Psychology studies the affective, cognitive, behavioral, and psychological aspects of human behavior, including social, developmental, and cultural influences. Although in clinical practice one or more of these areas may be addressed, the aim of Integrative Psychology is to facilitate wholeness. To do this, an integrative practitioner addresses the intrapsychic (internal within the psyche, mind, or personality), interpersonal, and spiritual functioning of the individual within the context of their culture. A variety of disciplines and approaches are represented within the field of Integrative Psychology including: medicine, osteopathic medicine, acupuncture, chiropractic medicine, naturopathic medicine, homeopathic medicine, dentistry, nursing, psychology, social work, sociology, theology/religion, transpersonal studies, anthropology, spirituality, quantum physics, linguistics, hypnosis, political science, education, and many others. Holistic Psychology Holistic Psychology is a science, a technology, and a healing art. It encompasses all aspects of human nature — physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. It is not limited to one theory and has the full scope to solve problems in all aspects of our existence. It is not burdened by an encrusted mythology or limited by artificial restrictions and limitations that would keep it from being generally useful and available. It is well-positioned to cooperate with any other science, technology, or discipline, but does not look to any other profession for direction or authority to define its scope or carry out its work. Holistic psychology is a new awakening that sweeps aside the one-dimensional picture of standard psychology and reveals our true nature — multidimensional, yet unitary. It brings about a theoretical and practical integration that includes all aspects of the person: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual, within a physical and social context. Thus it reorients us to the essence of our human nature, and of our personal identity. It paints the picture of ourselves in proper perspective — a picture of the whole person, the unique person, the person with will and consciousness, with potential for transformation and transcendence. Holistic psychology illumines our search for health and healing. Its concepts, principles, processes, and techniques help us to reach our goal. It also provides a conceptual framework suitable for the health care of the future. The search for health and healing is but one aspect of the search for personal transformation and self-mastery — the search for our real Self. Spirit is the source of health and healing. Attunement to spirituality allows energy to flow freely through all aspects of our being. The real Self is Spirit. Thus, to attain transformation and healing, our task is nothing more and nothing less than to connect to our real Self. We conceptualized the human experience from a comprehensive and holistic approach. We not only have a physical body but also we have emotional, mental, spiritual and energetic bodies. Above all, we are spiritual and energetic beings having a physical experience. Our purpose is to provide holistic psychological services designed to help you find balance in your life by overcoming your psychological, emotional, mental, physical, energetic and spiritual challenges. Liberated Living's instructors, counselors, practitioners, transformational coaches, and spiritual leaders from our community lead paradigm shifts and self-realization practices in our featured courses, programs, healing retreats, and workshop events. Join us as we explore a variety of life-changing topics on personal and spiritual development including Individual and Relationship dynamics, Whole Body Wellness, Energy Transformation, Wholeness and Total Healing, Genetic Recoding, Holistic & Epigentic Psychology, Generational Healing, and how to engage in life fully and much more. Your journey to conscious Liberated Living starts here... REFERENCES Trinity School of Natural Health, Inc. (2012) The Association for Integrative Psychology, Inc, (2008) Holistic-Psychology Archives, Elgin & Bödy (2009)