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Intermediate Genetic & Behavioral Iridology

  • 365 Days
  • 8 Steps
Get a certificate by completing the program.
Everyone who has completed all steps in the program will get a badge.


Intermediate Genetic & Behavioral (Rayid) Iridology (Level 2) This Intermediate Iridology eCourse is a 3-part series (multi-training levels and modules), and can also be purchased separately depending on your level of experience with holistic iridology. You can fast-track the course or go at your own pace. Course Curriculum: Levels 1-3 of Rayid Iridology Level 1- Introduction to Genetic & Behavioral (Rayid) Iridology: students will complete practical hours, 3-5 case studies, and a quiz to demonstrate a working knowledge of level 1 iridology before moving on to level 2. Level 2 - Intermediate Iridology eCourse: Genetic & Behavioral Rayid Iridology. In this segment, students will be required to complete a quiz and assignments that correspond to each module to demonstrate a working knowledge of level 2. The level 2 Intermediate Rayid Iridology course also includes the level 1 Introduction course. Level 3- The final segment of the course will be dedicated to students learning Level 3 - Advanced Rayid Iridology and how to perform a complete assessment. At the end of the course program, the preliminary exam and practice hours will be submitted to demonstrate the ability to successfully perform a Rayid Iridology assessment. This level 3 Advanced Rayid Iridology course also includes Levels 1 & 2, Introduction & Intermediate Genetic & Behavioral Iridology. *You will be asked to set up your login credentials first before purchasing this product to access the program.

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app




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