Confidential information includes but is not limited to;
1. Identifying information about the client/participant, including name, email address or phone number;
2. Information relating to the client/participant family;
3. Information about the health history, abuse, trauma, and/or persecution experienced by the client/participant; or
4. Any other information that would identify the client/participant or disclose potentially harmful information about the client/participant and/or family members.
The staff often works as a professional team. Therefore, your practitioner/therapist may consult with other staff to provide the best possible care. These consultations are for professional and training purposes. Confidential client information, including any files and/or documents containing confidential information, should never be discussed, shared, or released to third parties, except under these terms and without the client's/participant's consent.
Liberated Living does not provide medical services. Any session or consultation provided is not to be considered as a medical diagnosis for disease. Nor is it intended to treat, cure, prevent, or otherwise be used for any disease or medical condition but serves as an adjunct to any care along with any other examinations recommended by a physician or health care provider.
By accepting this Confidentiality Agreement, you and your Practitioner/Agency agree to the highest ethical standards and to abide by the following provisions:
1. All communications between practitioner, agency, staff, volunteers, trainees, and clients/participants are confidential.
2. The Practitioner/Agency or any of its staff shall not disclose confidential information to a third party without the client’s/participant's express or written consent to release such information.
3. The staff shall not disclose confidential information to a third party without the Agency's knowledge and consent.
4. If I am a staff member, volunteer, intern, or practitioner in training, I understand that I have a duty to keep client information confidential throughout my term as a staff, volunteer, or trainee as well as after my employment or volunteer status ends.
5. I understand that my failure to abide by the terms of this Confidentiality Agreement may result in the termination of my participation as a client, staff or volunteer at the Agency.