Advanced Theta AVE Therapy
VO-CAL Psychedelic Audio-Visual Entrainment (AVE) Brainwave Therapy
Service Description
Our advanced audio-visual entrainment (AVE) Vo-Cal/Vortex system has undergone extensive research and clinical studies and has been shown to effectively address trauma, generational issues, and other emotional conditions. It is a psychodynamic therapy technique that utilizes pulses of light and sound at specific frequencies gently producing psychedelic geometric patterns to safely guide the brain into various brainwave frequencies and improved states of consciousness. By working with brain wave frequencies, you can boost your mood, improve sleep patterns, sharpen your mind, and increase your intuition and meditation efforts. An important objective of entrainment is to produce a meditation-like state of deep relaxation, such as a theta state. It is the mind-body rehabilitative benefits produced by this trance-like state that makes AVE so useful for so many conditions. AVE has been shown to be beneficial, contributing to the natural regenerative process of the body and brain by stabilizing neurotransmitters such as serotonin, endorphins, and dopamine that are released, which restores positive mood and good brain function. This invaluable neuro-biofeedback device (Vo-Cal II/EVOX) utilizes NASA-driven voice mapping technology to identify areas of subconscious stress and psychological imbalance. Increased emotional processing to access the subconscious mind, release negative blocks, and faulty beliefs, end the cycle of intergenerational patterns, and promote transgenerational healing. Enhanced visualization for goal setting, creativity, and intuition.
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