Certified Iridology Training Courses
Learn Genetic & Behavioral Iridology featuring the Rayid Model.
Service Description
This is an advanced 6 week diploma course covering levels 1-3 of Rayid Iridology, which is a comprehensive and holistic assessment of the body and mind's state of health. It is the science of examining the intricate fiber structures in the iris of the eyes and its other characteristics via its link to the optic nerve by way of its connection to the brain and nervous system to determine information about an individual’s health, behavior, and psychological propensities. Practitioners match their observations to iris charts, which divide the iris into zones that correspond to specific parts of the human body to observe states and conditions of each organ and body system. Students and participants will need a working knowledge of each level before advancing to the next course level. “Rayid-Iridology” lends valuable insight into a person’s behavior and scope of personality by providing immediate information into personal strength and weaknesses such as psychological health, genetic predispositions, physical health issues, innate gifts, biological personality traits, career and relationship propensities, including relationship attraction and compatibilities, emotional distresses, anxiety, compulsive propensities, and other risk-factors, emotional and subconscious blocks and how one relates to others. An Iridologist guides the individual as to the best ways of preventing health conditions or addressing existing conditions, weaknesses and genetic predispositions, as well psycho-emotional health and finding freedom from personal limitations. Iridology addresses an individual’s imbalances, going beyond symptoms alone, and is an excellent way to help others find and maintain health and well-being using a truly holistic approach. Rayid Iridology has proved to be a priceless tool. With the many exceptional evaluation tools that are available, you will find few that parallel. Iris analysis provides information so valuable that Iridology deserves to become a widely practiced evaluation tool in the fields of both physical and psychological health. Iridology is a fascinating science that captivates the mind-body connection through the eyes and what they reveal about you and your health on a soul level… and why it has long been said, “The Eyes Are the Windows to your Soul”. For those seeking ways to address the “whole cause” and the “whole solution”, personally or professionally, this advanced Rayid Iridology Diploma course is for you!
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