Overview: -This advanced diploma course covers level 3 Advanced Rayid Iridology and comprises the integration of both wholistic and behavioral iridology, featuring the primary personality types, emotional, behavioral, and physical models of iridology. -This program outlines the essential core of personality and genetic behavioral patterns adapted from the Rayid Model® as the four major Iris types. -Course participants will receive a personal copy of 'Your Personality Blueprint' which is a digital and downloadable guide, and they will need a working knowledge of each level before advancing to the next course level. About Iridology: Iridology is a comprehensive body-mind analysis that examines the intricate iris tissue representing a map of the body to observe the states and conditions of each organ and body system. Holistic Iridology and behavioral iridology unify the mental, physical, and emotional facets of the whole individual. By integrating physical, emotional, and mental aspects, Holistic and Behavioral Iridology offer insights into health, personality, talents, limitations, and relationship compatibility. This practice equips participants with tools to identify health patterns and recommend lifestyle adjustments to enhance overall well-being, making it an invaluable resource for practitioners. Previous experience is required for taking this course. Levels 1 & 2 are available for beginners. Level I, Introductory Holistic Iridology: $14.99 Level 2, Intermediate Behavioral Iridology: $97.00 Level 3, Advanced Behavioral Iridology: $197.00 Level 1-3, Advanced Behavioral Iridology + Business-in-a-box: $397.00
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