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GR Professionals

Holistic Psychology & PANACEA system

Practitioner Programs
GR Participants
Participant Programs


    Participant-to-Practitioner Upgrade
      Services for Genetic Recoding
      PANACEA Workbook Coverback + iPhone_edited.png


      After 20 years of working with a multidisciplinary team of professionals and having a diverse education, we developed a broad background in the healing profession and implemented each of these holistic & therapeutic strategies with our clients and for our own self-mastery. Moreover, we found that epigenetic inheritance was the common thread underpinning every client's core challenges resulting in negative subconscious programming, genetic and sabotage patterns. After designing holistic and therapeutic programs on a personal and professional level, and witnessing the powerful breakthroughs from these successful methods - we decided we needed to make these Genetic Recoding strategies available on a larger scale to produce rapid results. Therefore, we compressed these high-leverage programs into a shortcut 7-step, healing system included in our Holistic Psychology, Mind-Body Integration & Master Holistic Practitioner Programs & turnkey business-in-a-box for professionals. ​ This 7 step healing system will guide participants to: 1. Decode the presenting problem, pain-point, or pattern 2. Learn adaptive emotional response to remove fear 3. Neutralize emotional triggers with perceptual reframing techniques 3. Establish empowerment methods and removes victim programming 4. Heal inter-relational dynamics & primary relationships 6. Evaluate growth to transform limiting conditions & gain gratitude 7. Alchemize the problem and make a greater impact with purpose & leadership potential


      Genetic Recoding eBooks

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